Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see your question here, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us at!

Who is Positive Alliance for?

Positive Alliance is currently positioned as a safe and useful space for HIV+ male-identified individuals who are attracted to other men, and also for allies. We think of an ally as anyone who shares our commitment to working towards the best possible quality of life for people living with HIV.

Allyship can take the form of combating HIV stigma, promoting wellness and inclusivity, donating money or other resources, or just being that good friend who comes along for moral support and a fun time!

If you are an organization specializing in the support of HIV+ communities other than gay/queer/bi male-identified individuals, we're looking to partner with you! Reach out at

How can I join Positive Alliance?

We aren't a member organization, so you can "join" by just getting involved! Come to any of our events, or connect with us via the social media links on our contact page. You can also sign up for our mailing list and newsletter here.

We aren't a member organization, so you can "join" by just getting involved! Come to any of our events, or connect with us via the social media links on our contact page. You can also sign up for our mailing list and newsletter here.

Are there any membership fees?

No. We are not a membership organization (one where you pay to be a part of a group). We believe in working hard to make our community, our events, and our resources accessible to everyone.

What type of activities do you offer?

We're still in the process of rebuilding our in-person event programming after the Covid-19 hiatus, but have launched a monthly game night and a monthly happy hour: info for those are near the top of the page.

Later this year, we'll work to bring back the popular Strength in Numbers holiday party, usually held the third Saturday in December.

We're also working to put together a series of virtual forums to discuss issues important to the community.

In the past, we've hosted weekly parties at major gay-friendly venues, summer picnics, bowling nights, "Sea Tea" cruises, and more.

If you'd like to weigh in on what you'd like us to prioritize, fill out our survey here. Your privacy is important to us, and your answers are anonymous.

How can I donate to Positive Alliance?

Your generous support is always appreciated! Click here to make a contribution. Your donation will help us continue and expand our work to serve the community and provide welcoming, impactful opportunities to connect!

How will my donations be used?

We are dedicated to the wise and prudent use of the resources donated for us to use. In the long term, we hope to tackle much larger initiatives, but in the short and medium term, here are some of the expected expenses:

  • To help us secure venues for events.
  • To help us buy food or refreshments for events.
  • To transport food, supplies, and decorations to venues, if too much to carry on public transit.
  • To help us cover the cost of attendance at certain types of future events, for those who cannot afford to do so on their own.
  • To help us afford modest, web-based advertising to promote our events to people who aren't already on our mailing list or part of our social media communities.
  • To provide reasonable compensation or at least thank you gestures for people who provide services for us (performers, web construction, promotional services, etc.).
  • To purchase or print t-shirts, brochures, and other promotional materials.

Do you offer any resources for HIV+ individuals?

We don't ourselves offer direct access to healthcare or similar resources. However, we are trying to build a helpful list of links on our Resources page. We're doing our best to consolidate a list of resources that folks in our community might need: testing, PrEP, healthcare access, mental wellness support options, addiction and recovery resources, and connections to organizations in other cities trying to do what we do here! If you know of a resource we've overlooked, please let us know at

How can I stay up to date on upcoming events and activities?

Stay in the loop by subscribing to our newsletter, following us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, or regularly checking here on our website for the latest updates and event announcements.

Can I volunteer with Positive Alliance?

Absolutely! We are always looking for passionate individuals to join our team. Email us if you'd like to pitch in and get involved: you might be just the person we need!

Still don't see your question or the answer you're looking for? Ask us at!